
About Carrots

The carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow varieties exist.

Crisp texture when fresh. The most commonly eaten part of a carrot is a taproot, although the greens are sometimes eaten as well. It is a domesticated form of the wild carrotDaucus carota, native to Europe and southwestern Asia. The domestic carrot has been selectively bred for its greatly enlarged and more palatable, less woody-textured edible taproot.

In our fields, we begin planting as soon as the fields are dry enough in the spring. This is usually the first week in May. Our early varieties are usually ready to be harvested the last week of July. We begin harvesting our storage varieties in September, and have enough storage to last us until the end of March.
