
Farming For The Future

Our greatest assets is our soil, air, and water. Take away one of these and and nothing will grow. Reduce the quality of one of these and your crops suffer. In order to stay competitive in the market today, we need to grow a strong healthy crop. This requires us to take care of our environment to the best of our ability.

The soil feeds the vegetables the nutrients required for it to grow. We have found a good rotation of crops that help maintain the soil structure and health that is required for the vegetables we grow. These rotations allow us to manipulate the different nutrients and pests in the soil, to create the optimal conditions for our vegetable crops, which allows us to apply less fertilizers and pesticides. It is a challenge balancing the different crops, but we do it to protect our soil for our children and the many generations to come.

We breathe the same air that the vegetables need to survive. We are fortunate in Manitoba to have clean air. We try to find ways everyday to reduce the amount of pollution that we release into the air. We are upgrading our tractors and trucks to more fuel efficient models that can reduce the emissions per acre of land that we work. This can be done by covering more ground with one pass, or burning less fuel overall.

Our water for irrigation comes from the Assiniboine River. We are fortunate to have land beside the river allowing us to easily pump out of the river without having to pump the water a long distance. We are licensed to irrigate and keep track of the water use to make sure we do not use too much. We work with our associations and government to ensure that our water source remains clean and optimal for or crops.